Gain strength and flexibility with YOGA
Contributing fitness guru Denise Austin with some fabulous yoga moves.
The yoga workout exercises run in a flow sequence, and you can do the entire sequence as a 10-minute yoga workout, holding each move for up to 1 minute. You can also deepen and hold each pose longer for added benefits--a great alternative when you have more than 10 minutes for your yoga workout.
Pose of the Dancer
Firms and flattens your lower belly
Tones your inner thighs
Improves your balance
Strengthens and tones your legs
Improves core strengthp
The ball will help you to gain your balance in this challenging posture.
Stand with the ball about 2 feet in front of you. Place your right palm against the top of the ball. Shift your body weight over your right foot. Exhale as you lift your left foot in toward your buttocks and grasp your left ankle with your left hand. Inhale as you reach back through your left leg, deepening the posture. Hold for 30 seconds, breathing normally, and then release and repeat on the other side.
Tones your thighs
Strengthens your core
Stretches your chest, hips, groin, abs, and shoulders
Many people allow their torsos to collapse forward in the Warrior pose. Holding the ball overhead will help you keep your torso upright and your chest open, allowing you to feel a deeper stretch in the front of your hips, your abdomen, and your chest.
A. Stand with your feet under your hips. Hold the ball overhead. Exhale as you step forward with your left leg. Inhale and lift your right heel and move it inward so that your rear foot is at a 45-degree angle.
B. Exhale as you bend your left leg and sink into a deep lunge, as shown. Keep your upper arms in line with your head and reach up and into the ball, as if you were Atlas holding up the world. Hold for 30 seconds, breathing normally. Inhale as you rise to the starting position and then repeat on the other side.
Improves balance and coordination
Tones your abdomen, back, waistline, and legs
The Balancing Stick ranks as one of the more challenging postures in yoga. Adding the ball as a prop will help you to hold the posture longer and bring your body into proper alignment.
B. Lift and extend your right arm. Reach out through your right fingertips and left toes to lengthen your spine. Keep your tummy firm as you balance, breathing normally. Keep your head in a neutral position, with your gaze at the floor. Hold for 30 seconds, breathing normally, and then release and repeat on the other side.
Stretches your sides, chest, and inner thighs
Tones your legs, arms, and torso
Beginner yoga students often allow their top shoulders to collapse downward in the Triangle, reducing the stretch along the sides of their torso. Using the ball, beginners can easily move into the pose.
B. Exhale as you bend to the right, sliding your right hand down your leg as you bend. Extend your left hand toward the ceiling and slightly behind your torso. Turn your head to look up toward the ceiling. Hold for 30 seconds, breathing normally. Inhale as you rise and then repeat on the other side.
Stretches your sides, chest, neck, and shoulders
Strengthens your abdomen
Improves your balance
When you sit on the ball to stretch into the Mermaid, you activate your abdominal muscles as they work to keep you stable. The band will help to keep your top shoulder from dropping forward, allowing you to feel a deeper stretch.
B. Exhale as you reach up and over to the right, as shown, feeling the stretch along the left side of your torso. Keep both hips equally planted on the ball. Turn your head to look up. Hold for 30 seconds, breathing normally. Inhale as you rise and then repeat on the other side.
Strengthens your back
Improves your posture
Stretches your chest
The ball helps keep your lower back and hips in proper alignment, preventing tightness or pinching in your spine as you extend into the pose. Placing your palms against the front of the ball helps you to extend your spine, allowing you to stretch more deeply.
B. Inhale as you reach through the crown of your head to lengthen your spine as you lift your upper back, neck, and head toward the ceiling. Press your hands into the ball to help lengthen your spine. Hold for 1 minute, breathing normally, and then release.
Tones your hips, buttocks, thighs, back, and abdomen
Doing the Bridge against the ball is a completely different experience than doing it on the floor. With the ball, you'll really feel your hips and buttocks working to keep your torso stable.
Release your hands toward the floor and continue to walk your feet out until the ball rests under your shoulders, as shown, supporting your shoulders, neck, and head. Reach your hips toward the ceiling. Hold for 1 minute, breathing normally. Inhale as you walk your feet back in and rise to the starting position.
Forward Bend
Stretches the backs of your thighs and your back
The Forward Bend is a perfect complement to the Wheel, as it brings your spine into the opposite position. Doing it while seated on the ball helps you to tip your pelvis forward as you bend.
B. Exhale as you bend forward from your hips and slide your hands down your legs (to your feet, if possible). Try to keep your back long and flat. Hold for 1 minute, breathing normally. Inhale as you rise.
Stretches your thighs, hips, abdomen, chest, and shoulders
Tones your legs and back
You'll love doing this back bend over the ball. The ball fits snugly into your back, giving you the support you need to extend into the Wheel and feel the wonderful, deep stretch along the front of your body. The curve of the ball helps bring your spine into the correct position, preventing pinching between your vertebrae.
B. Extend your legs. Place your palms against the ball for support as you lower your entire torso and head onto the ball. Once your torso is in position, reach back with your hands, as shown, placing your palms on the floor. Hold for 1 minute, breathing normally. Inhale as you release.
Knee Sway
The ball will help create more of a twist in your spine.
B. Exhale as you lower your knees to the floor to your left and the ball to the floor to the right. Hold for 30 seconds, breathing normally. Inhale as you rise and exhale as you repeat on the opposite side.
Breath in..Breath out.
Eve :-)