Melt Fat with P90X
Tony Horton's P90X Fat-blasting Moves
Jack Squat
Start in a wide squat with toes
out, arms down, fingertips touching floor (as shown). Remain in squat
and jump feet together as you clap hands overhead. Jump back to start,
staying low. Go for 1 minute.
Start in a plank. Do a push-up,
then lift and extend right arm and left leg (as shown). Pause; draw
right elbow and left knee to touch. Extend arm and leg again; lower to
plank. Switch sides; repeat. Go for 1 minute.
Lunge with right leg, left arm
bent and forward, right arm bent behind you (as shown). Stay low and
jump, switching legs and arms in air, landing in a lunge with left leg
and right arm forward. Go for 1 minute.
Stand on left leg, place left
fingertips on floor, extend right leg back; rotate torso right and reach
right arm up (as shown). Bend left knee, drawing palms to chest, then
extend arms in front of you, rotating to floor. Go for 30 seconds.
Switch sides; repeat.
Stand with feet together, palms
touching at chest. Lunge right foot forward and to right at a 45-degree
angle. Lunge left foot to left, straightening right leg (as shown).
Lunge right foot back, both knees bent. Step right foot up to meet left
in a standing position. Go for 30 seconds. Switch sides; repeat.
Crouch, place hands on floor, jump feet back into a plank and lower body to floor. Press up to plank, hop feet to hands, do a truck jump, slapping knees (as shown). Go for 1 minute.
Works shoulders, arms, chest, abs, butt, thighs
Contributor: SELF Magazine
Eve :-)