28-Minute Total-Body Strength Training Workout
How it works: Start by setting your timer for seven minutes and aim to complete the exercises in Circuit 1 as many times as you can before the timer goes off. Once completed, take a 30- to 60-second break. Reset your timer to seven minutes and complete Circuit 2 as many times as you can until your timer goes off. Repeat Circuits 1 and 2 with the allotted rests in between for the full 28-minute workout. (While your goal is to complete each exercise as quickly as possible, remember to maintain proper form.)
Kayla Itsines 28-Minute Workout
Circuit 1
Squat and Press
A. Hold a barbell with palms facing away from body, and plant both feet on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bring the barbell forward and upward into chest. This is the starting position.
B. Looking straight ahead, bend at the hips and knees, ensuring that knees remain in line with toes. Continue bending knees until thighs are parallel with the floor. Ensure that back remains between a 45- to 90-degree angle to hips.
C. Push through heels and extend knees to return to starting position, while also using shoulder and arm muscles to extend elbows and press barbell directly above head. Arms should be in line with ears on either side of head.
D. Bend elbows to lower the barbell into starting position.
Do 12 reps.
Negative Push-Up
A. Place both hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and plant both feet together behind you, resting on balls of feet. This is the starting position.
B. Taking a full 3 seconds, bend elbows and lower torso toward the floor until arms form two 90-degree angles, ensuring that you maintain a straight back and stabilize through abdominals.
C. Taking 1 second, push through chest and extend arms to lift body back to starting position.
Do 10 reps.
X Mountain Climbers
A. Place both hands on the floor shoulder-width apart and both feet together behind you, resting on balls of feet. This is the starting position.
B. Keeping left foot on the floor, bend right knee and bring it into chest and toward left elbow. Extend right leg and return to starting position. Then, keeping right foot on the floor, bend left knee and bring it into chest and toward right elbow. Extend left leg and return to starting position.
C. Continue alternating between right and left. Gradually increase speed, ensuring that the moving leg does not touch the floor.
Do 40 reps (20 per side).
Straight-Leg Jackknife
A. Lie on back with both arms extended above head, holding one dumbbell with both hands. Engage abdominal muscles by drawing belly button in toward spine.
B. Keeping feet together, raise legs off the floor so they form a 90-degree angle with hips. At the same time, bring the dumbbell up toward feet, slowly lifting head, shoulder blades, and torso off the floor.
C. Briefly hold this position and then slowly lower legs and arms until they are both just slightly off the floor.
Do 15 reps.
Circuit 2
Barbell Reverse Lunge
A. Safely place a barbell on shoulders behind head and plant both feet on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
B. Carefully take a big step backward with right foot. As you plant foot on the floor, bend both knees to 90 degrees, ensuring that weight is evenly distributed between both legs. If done correctly, front knee should be aligned with ankle and back knee should be hovering just off the floor.
C. Extend both knees and step forward with right foot to return to starting position.
D. Repeat on opposite side, stepping into a reserve lunge with left foot. Continue alternating sides.
Do 20 reps (10 per side)
Upright Row
A. Hold a kettlebell with both hands with palms facing down, and plant both feet on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. With arms extended, hold the kettlebell directly in front of body. This is the starting position.
B. Using the muscles in shoulders and arms, bend elbows outward and upward to bring kettlebell up to chest. Avoid "shrugging" shoulders by drawing shoulder blades down and back. Extend elbows to return to starting position.
Do 12 reps.
X Plank
A. Place both hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and both feet together behind you, resting on balls of feet. This is the starting position.
B. While maintaining a straight back and stabilizing through abdominals, release right hand and left foot and bring them together directly below torso. Return to starting position.
C. Repeat using left hand and right foot. Continue alternating between right and left for the specified amount of time.
Do 20 reps (10 per side).
Single-Leg Abs Bike
A. Lie flat on back on a yoga mat with feet extended out in front of you. Bend elbows to place hands behind head. Gently raise both feet, head, and shoulder blades off the floor. This is the starting position.
B. Bend right leg to bring knee into chest. Extend right leg to return to starting position. Complete half of the specified number of reps on one side, and then complete the remaining reps on the other side. (Once you have grasped this movement, incorporate a twist with upper body. This can be achieved by meeting the knee with the opposite elbow. For example, as you bring the right knee into the chest, twist upper body over to the right so that it can meet left elbow.)
Do 24 reps (12 per side).
Eve :-)