Omm away the years
This short, beginner-friendly plan was developed by Susan Winter Ward, who created Yoga for the Young at Heart, a video series for people over age 50 ( With regular practice, you'll tone your muscles, improve flexibility, and feel younger than ever.
Workout at a Glance
You'll need: A yoga mat and a sturdy chair
How to do it: Perform poses in order, flowing from one to the next. It will take about 15 minutes. For a greater challenge and more benefits, do the routine twice or hold the poses longer.
![]( | Spinal Twist Increases flexibility Lie on back with arms extended on floor at shoulder height, palms down. Bring knees to chest. Keeping knees together, exhale and lower legs to left side. Turn head to look over right arm. Take several deep breaths. Inhale, bringing legs back to center, then exhale and repeat on opposite side. The spinal twist pose strengthens back muscles |
![]( ![]( | Cat Cow Stretches back and abs; tones arms and shoulders Get on all fours, with knees directly below hips and hands directly below shoulders. Exhale. Tucking tailbone under, arch spine upward like a Halloween cat, bringing chin toward chest (A). Inhale, tipping tailbone up and curving spine downward; look toward ceiling, expanding chest (B). Repeat 5 times. |
![]( | Supported Downward-Facing Dog Stretches hamstrings; strengthens arms, legs, back, and shoulders Stand in front of sturdy chair with seat facing you. (If it slides, place against wall.) Bending forward from hips, put hands on back of seat and step back until arms are extended. Exhale and release chest toward floor, keeping back flat and shoulder blades pressed down. Reach gently forward, head level between arms. Inhale and gently press heels down. Exhale and move deeper into pose, stretching through arms while keeping shoulder blades down. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths, then walk forward and gently roll up to standing. |
![]( | Tree pose Strengthens legs, butt, and abs; improves balance Stand with feet together, palms in front of chest in prayer position. Fix gaze on a spot to help balance. Inhale, placing bottom of right foot on inside of left calf, right knee pointing out to side. Hold and exhale, pressing left foot into floor. Inhale, reaching top of head toward ceiling. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Repeat on opposite side. Make it easier Perform with hands on hips or arms out to sides. You can also bring right foot only to ankle, touching floor as needed to maintain balance.
Cheers, Eve :-)