Up Against The Clock! Eight Timesavers!

At some time or another, we all find ourselves up against the clock! For some of us, taking the time to shop and cook healthy meals seems like a luxury we can't afford — it's just easier to pick up the phone and order take-out. But here's an interesting spin: Eating regular, healthy meals reduces stress, which will actually help you manage your time better. Still, if you're having trouble carving out time for meal preparation, here are eight simple timesaving tips:
  1. Always keep a bag of prewashed salad greens on hand.
  2. Cook up big meals once a week and freeze the leftovers in smaller portions. Then reheat your leftovers on a night you're running behind schedule.
  3. Enjoy low-maintenance foods, like canned tuna, poached salmon, low-fat or nonfat plain yogurt, or ready-made hummus.
  4. Prepare chopped vegetables once a week and keep them in the fridge.
  5. Get up from your desk during your lunch break and take a brisk 20-minute walk. You can skip a workout later in the day.
  6. Have a serving of nuts or a cheese stick on hand for days when you can't stop for a snack.
  7. Enjoying an oversized restaurant meal? You'll enjoy it twice as much if you take half of it home in a doggie bag to eat for lunch tomorrow.
  8. Take turns grocery shopping, preparing meals, and cleaning up with family members so one person doesn't get stuck doing all of the "chores."


Eve :-)


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