Weight Loss Red Flags

From a commentary by the Calorie Control Council, here are common pitfalls you may encounter on the road to weight loss and weight management:

• Diets that emphasize a quantity of certain foods vs. the overall nutritional quality of foods. Focusing on healthy meals that are low in calories but includes food from all food groups creates a way of eating that is easier to stick with for a lifetime.

• Quick fix diets that promise fast weight loss without effort. Slow and steady weight loss is not only the safest, but also the most effective, way to get slim.

Losing more than two pounds a week can signal the metabolism to go into survival mode, decreasing the calories burned every day and making weight loss difficult and maintenance nearly impossible.

• Restrictive diets that eliminate entire food groups. Very restrictive diets that prohibit one type of food are not likely to satisfy for more than a few weeks. Making sure to eat foods from all food groups ensures you satisfy cravings and still get all the necessary vitamins and minerals essential to healthy eating.

• Setting unrealistic weight-loss goals or unrealistic expectations about life after the diet. Many individuals set themselves up for failure by desiring to be the perfect size six or to get back into 32-inch waist pants.

If you are unable to achieve these goals, you may get discouraged and give up. Sometimes people believe their whole life will instantly change if they just lose weight, but rarely does that happen.

By keeping goals realistic, such as improving blood pressure or increasing personal fitness levels, the likelihood of maintaining lifestyle changes and attaining a healthy weight over the long-term increases.

The chances of keeping the weight off also increases because the focus is on health and quality of life.

Bottom line

Calories count and physical activity is not optional!

The research is clear that there is no magic bullet for long-term weight loss success. Being able to incorporate some of the strategies of successful dieters from the National Weight Control Registry and avoiding the common pitfalls are the keys to achieving a healthy weight.

Like anything worthwhile, success takes hard work and dedication. In the end, your commitment to creating a healthier life is built on the cornerstones of a reduced-calorie lifestyle and daily physical activity.

Source: Calorie Control Council


Eve :-)


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