Strength Training Do's and Don'ts
Ditch: Ab Crunch
Do: Sit-Up
Lie on back with feet resting flat on floor, knees bent about 90 degrees, and arms crossed over chest. Tuck chin toward chest, contract abdominals, and roll all the way up, bringing chest as close to knees as possible. Roll back down. Start with 10 to 15 sit-ups.
Why It Works Sit-ups involve a greater range of motion, so your abs work longer under tension. Sit-ups also work your hip flexors (the muscles at the front of your hips), which help maintain proper posture and are often weak from disuse.
Ditch: Dumbbell Fly
Do: Stair Push-Up
Place hands, under shoulders, on a step with arms extended. Walk feet back until body forms straight line from head to heels. Bend elbows and slowly lower chest to step until shoulders are in line with elbows. Press back to starting position and repeat for 8 to 10 reps. (If this is too challenging, start at a higher step or use an aerobic bench.)Why It Works Push-ups are one of the best upper-body toners because they recruit muscles in your chest, triceps, and shoulders. But many women avoid them because they're too difficult. By performing them on an incline, you lessen the force of gravity slightly, so you can complete more reps and give your torso a total workout.
Ditch: Seated Leg Extension
Do: Planted Step-Up
Hold an 8- to 10-pound dumbbell in each hand and stand facing a step. Step up with left leg. Straighten left leg; at the top of the move, contract glutes and extend right leg behind you. Bring right leg back down, and lower your body until tip of right toe just touches floor, keeping left foot on step. Immediately repeat, completing a full set (10 to 15 reps) with one leg. Then switch sides. (For added challenge, make the step higher or step onto a bench.)Why It Works It's safer, plus your quads get a great workout as you lift your body weight against gravity. It also tones your butt, hamstrings, and calves. If you prefer machines, try the One-Legged Press.
Ditch: Side Knee Crunch
Do: Straight-Arm Crisscross
Lie faceup on floor with knees bent and aligned over hips, and calves raised and parallel to floor. Hold ends of a towel in each hand, arms extended so towel is stretched over knees. Roll head and shoulder blades up off floor while extending left leg to about 45 degrees from floor and moving towel to outside of right knee. Then extend right leg and bend left knee, moving towel to outside of left knee, keeping shoulders lifted. Continue alternating without dropping torso. Do 10 to 15 reps.Why It Works Your obliques are responsible for twisting your torso, so they're challenged throughout the move. Your abs get a full workout, too--without any risky spinal compression.
Ditch: Upright Row
Do: Forward-Leaning Lateral Raise
Sit on bench with feet together, a 3- to 5-pound weight in each hand. Lean forward at waist and, keeping elbows slightly bent, let arms hang down next to calves, palms facing each other. Squeeze shoulder blades together. Raise arms to sides in an arcing motion until they're parallel to floor. Pause and then slowly return to starting position. Do 10 to 15 reps.Why It Works This move targets the rear shoulder muscles more effectively than the upright row, says Newton. It also targets the often-overlooked rhomboid muscles, which hold the shoulders back to help you easily maintain good posture.
Ditch: Heel Raise
Do: Walk on an Incline
Find a hill or set the treadmill on an incline and walk for 30 minutes. (Your calves also get a good workout during squats, lunges, and step-ups.)Why It Works Your calves help propel you forward up hills. Incline walking will not only work your calves much better but will also strengthen your heart and burn many more calories than just doing heel raises would.
Ditch: Side Bend
Do: T-Pose
Assume full push-up position, with arms extended, hands directly below shoulders, and legs extended so body forms straight line from head to heels. Tighten abs and roll body to right side, supporting torso with right arm. Extend left arm straight up, so body forms a sideways T. Hold 5 seconds, then switch sides. If balance is a problem, perform the move on your forearm instead of with your arm extended. Repeat 5 to 8 times.Why It Works Your obliques are fully engaged to brace your entire torso during this popular core-strengthening move. The result: Those abdominal muscles tighten up without bulking out. This move targets your whole upper body and prevents back pain.
Ditch: Seated Adduction
Do: One-Legged Press
Sit in leg press machine. Position feet hip- to shoulder-width apart, with legs at 90-degree angles (adjust seat if necessary). Remove left foot from platform and place it on floor, leaving right foot where it is. Hold side handlebars and press lower back to pad. Slowly push platform away and extend right leg without locking knee, then slowly lower the weight. Complete a full set (10 to 15 reps), then switch legs.Why It Works During a single-leg press, your inner thighs work to keep the leg from moving out to the side. This move also shapes your quads, glutes, and hamstrings, so you get more total toning for your time.
Cardio Time Wasters
The Machine Lean If you support yourself on the handles while working out on the StairMaster or elliptical trainer, you can cut your calorie burn by 20%. Our quick fix: Ditch the magazine and jam to music instead.
The Single-Speed Wonder Too many people churn out their entire workout on the same setting. After just a few months, your body adapts and starts burning fewer calories. For one or two workouts a week, add intervals. Whether you're on the treadmill or at the pool, "doing 30-second bursts of speed will boost your fitness."
The One-Trick Pony Even if you're addicted to the treadmill, give it a day off and try something different--at least once a week. Cross-training challenges different muscles in a variety of ways, which keeps your body adapting and burning fuel even when you're not working out.
Change things up on your workout!
Eve :-)