Cellulite Free

5 Simple Steps to Cellulite-Free Skin

1. The Easy Fix: Hydrate

H2O is like kryptonite to cellulite. It has the power to sideline puckers. Sure, you can chug it, but chewing it (you heard right!) is more effective.

Munch away: Enjoy watermelon off the rind, slice it into salads, or freeze it into chunks. One cup equals about 3/5 cup water. Aim for about 8 1/2 cups of water per day.

2. The Sweaty Solution: Exercise

Zap fat with cardio, and chances are, you'll lessen the look of cellulite. But the real exercise secret lies in one magic move: the lunge. You don't have to try it, unless, that is, you want firmer thighs. Do three sets of 12 to 20 reps of lunges on each leg, three or four times a week. In as little as one month, you'll see improvement.

3. The Who-Knew? Cure: Caffeine

Slather on a stimulant-laced cream before you dare to bare in anything short-short, and it will tighten skin for hours. Think of it as invisible Spanx. Also smart: Curb salt intake. A combo of caffeine and microscopic beads makes Bliss Fat Girl Slim, $32, a super smoother. Vichy CelluDestock, $40, has salicylic acid to help ingredients such as caffeine penetrate better.

4. The Big-Bucks Band-Aid: Zap It

Enter Cellulaze, a new FDA-Approved treatment for cellulite. The procedure is considered minimally invasive: After making a tiny incision, your doctor inserts a laser probe smaller than a pencil into cellulite zones. One in-office treatment, to the tune of $2,000 to $3,000, will do the job for your butt or thighs. Visit Cellulaze.com for locations.

5. Your Last Resort: Bring on the Bronzer

Still pestered by the puckering on your thighs and butt? If all else fails, cover it up with a faux tan. Opt for a self-tanner that has a bronze tint to allow you to view your handiwork. Before you head out, try spa guru Kilgore's sexy finisher: Apply a shimmery bronzer down the center of your legs. It's a visual trick that gives them a longer, leaner look. Show 'em off, hot stuff!


Eve :-)


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