This 30-Day Clean-ish Eating Challenge Will Reset Your Diet for the New Year
This plan is easy, tasty, and (gasp!) doesn't take all the fun out of eating.
I believe that this will set you up for success during this month, so you'll get on track to crush any goal you set this year—feel better, lose weight, get strong. Plus it'll help you turn healthy eating into a lifestyle that you can happily manage (keyword: happily).Here's how to get started: Before you jump in, get acquainted with the "rules" of clean eating. The goal is to eat more whole foods you recognize and no processed junk you don't. That means no to frozen dinners and yes to fresh produce. Every day, we'll help walk you through the process with easy-to-understand tips like things to cut out entirely and how to cook more healthy, fresh meals. You'll find some great examples to help in the video above—an entire day's worth of meals, from breakfast to dessert, that fall into the clean-ish eating agenda. I'm also giving you an "ish" day (NOT a cheat day) every week that allows you to rebel a little. So, head to the grocery store to stock up on everything you'll need to eat clean-ish for the next 30 days, find some sample meal and snack ideas here—and get ready to feel great, sleep better, have clearer skin and less bloating, and a body and mind that are prepared for the best year ever.
Cheers and Happy Clean-ish Eating,
Eve :)