How to Build More Muscle and Burn Fat

Everything You Need to Know About Burning Fat and Building Muscle

You've heard of the "fat-burning zone," an exercise intensity of about 50 to 65 percent of your maximum heart rate, thought to be below the threshold where your body will start burning carbs. It turns out, though, that cranking up the intensity can lead to more fat loss in the end. You want to burn as many calories overall as possible during your workout so that afterward your body will be forced to use fat to help your muscles recover. That's how you get the biggest burn.
Intensity is only part of the equation, however. These six strategies will help you build muscle and torch fat more effectively.
  1. Get moving early. You can blast up to 20 percent more body fat by exercising in the morning. The key: Eat breakfast after your workout, research in the British Journal of Nutrition suggests. "Your body has less glycogen (a.k.a. energy) from carbs if you don't eat, so it will have no choice but to turn to fat," explains Jordan Metzl, M.D., a sports medicine physician in New York City and the author of Running Strong. (And ICYDK, there are even more benefits to morning workouts.)
  2. Sleep more. Aim for at least seven hours a night. Less than that keeps your levels of the stress hormone cortisol elevated, which may sabotage the results of your workout. "Cortisol slows muscle growth," Baar says. It may also cause the body to hold onto fat. "Stress is seen as a threat, so your body begins hoarding fat so it has energy stores, particularly in the abdomen," Olson says. (These science-backed strategies will help you sleep better.)
  3. Follow the 1:3 ruleOne hour, three times a week. People who stuck to that workout schedule for six months experienced a change in their gene expression that encouraged their bodies to remove fat from the blood stream; they also had significantly smaller waists, according to research from Lund University in Sweden. The study authors say the genetic changes may lower the risk of heart disease too.
  4. Push harder. The best way to build lean muscle mass is by lifting weights or doing bodyweight exercises until you're tapped out. (Just one reason why weight lifting will change your life.) When you lift to failure-the point where you physically can't do it any more-all your muscle fibers get the signal that they need to grow. "It could be five reps with a heavy weight or 15 reps with a lighter weight; whatever it takes to get you to failure." And don't worry about bulking up: Women are naturally less muscular than men. If you do feel your muscles are looking bigger than you'd like, though, lift heavier weights, but don't push yourself to failure every time. "This helps your muscles grow stronger without getting as big."
  5. But take it easy sometimes too. Change your routine to let your muscles rest. "Switching from moderate- to high-intensity workouts gives your body different challenges to adapt to and prevents overtraining," says Polly de Mille, an exercise physiologist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. And recovery is essential: That's when your muscles are able to build themselves back up stronger and your body dips into your fat stores to replenish your drained energy. (Here's your active recovery guide to get the most out of your workout.)
  6. Snack smart post-exercise. Eat a combo of carbs and protein within two hours of your workout. "The carbs replenish glycogen stores, while the amino acids from the protein help repair wear-and-tear on your muscles so you're stronger the next time you exercise," says Douglas Kalman, Ph.D., R.D.N., a sports nutritionist and cofounder of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. Aim for a 2-to-1 ratio of carbs to protein (or if you're exercising for longer than 75 minutes, a 3- or 4-to-1 ratio), like a smoothie with a scoop of protein powder (go for 20 to 40 grams), a quarter-cup of oats, and a banana. (Or one of these healthy post-workout snacks.)
Contributing Author: Kelly Mickle


Eve :-)


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