Are you expecting a baby!?

Should I give up eating fish until after I give birth? — Susan W., Montclair, NJ

The essential fatty acids found in fish make it an important component of any Diet™, but if you're pregnant or trying to conceive, it's wise to be careful about what kind and how much fish you eat. Your goal is to minimize exposure to Methyl mercury, a natural and industrial pollutant that accumulates in fish and can harm the nervous system in fetuses, babies, and young children. Here are some guidelines from the Food and Drug Administration on staying safe.

  1. Don't eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tilefish, which may contain high amounts of mercury.
  2. Choose fish that don't usually contain a lot of mercury, such as shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, Pollock, or catfish; eat up to 12 ounces — two average meals — per week.
  3. Eat water-packed canned albacore "white" tuna and tuna steaks no more than once a week.
  4. Avoid fish caught in local lakes, rivers, and coastal areas unless you're sure they are pollutant-free. If you can't be sure, skip it or limit yourself to one 6-ounce portion and don't eat other fish that week.
US Food and Drug Administration



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