How Much Weight In The Beginning?
The guidelines used for selecting a weight are to choose a resistance that allows you to do eight to 12 repetitions. If you can’t do eight, it’s too heavy. If you can do 12, increase your resistance by 5 percent.
Keep in mind that all your muscle groups aren't equally as strong. You may be able to use 7 pounds on a lateral raise but need 15 pounds to be challenged during a squat. You won't improve your strength and muscle tone if you choose a weight that's too light.
Beginners progress quickly so don’t use the lightest weights for too long. If you don't have a heavier resistance/dumbbell, consider doing a second set using a slower range of motion. It will be a little trial and error during your first few workouts to figure out which weights are best for you. You should record them to track what you did last time and strive to improve for the next workout.
Eve :-)