Life-Changing Foods

Superfood #1: Blueberries

Now that we know more about antioxidants and how they reverse degenerative diseases, this flavonoid-rich food will have you aging gracefully.

Superfood #2: Tomatoes

Aside from all the vitamins, tomatoes are disease fighters. They help fight cancer and heart ailments.

Superfood #3: Salmon

Although fish has fat, we now know that not all fats are created equal — fish has a healthy kind of fat. For example, salmon is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can protect against a multitude of diseases including heart disease.

Superfood #4: Beans

Beans are good for the heart… and a bunch of other things, too. There’s evidence that they prevent cancer, level your blood sugar and give you a sense of being full, which keeps you from overeating.

Superfood #5: Soy

Soy is the total package, rich with vitamins, minerals, plant-based omega-3s and disease-fighting phytonutrients. There are many other ways to incorporate soy into your diet.

– Soy milk is a great alternative to dairy.
– Try a soy protein shake.
– Eat soy nuts as snacks
– Some cereals have soy-enriched ingredients.

Superfood #6: Spinach

Just a few of the many added benefits include beta carotene, vitamins B, C and E, calcium and magnesium, iron.

Superfood #7: Tea

It’s relaxing, has no calories and comes with health benefits. Tea is an anti-allergy, anti-inflammatory superfood that has been linked to heart health, cancer and stroke prevention, and lowered blood pressure.

Superfood #8: Yogurt

It has calcium and other nutrients. But what makes yogurt a superfood is the presence of prebiotics and probiotics — living organisms that promote gastrointestinal health.

Superfood #9: Walnuts

. Walnuts are one of the few rich sources of plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids. Besides the fiber and protein, the plant sterols contained in walnuts help with cholesterol levels.

Superfood #10: Broccoli

Several studies have linked calcium intake with weight loss. Broccoli is not only high in calcium, but it’s also packed with vitamin C that helps you better absorb calcium. Plus, this vegetable has vitamin A, folate and fiber to meet your nutrient needs. And did we mention the powerful phytochemicals that protect against disease?

Superfood #11: Oranges

There’s nothing wrong with a glass of OJ. But eating the orange is even better because its pulp has 10 times the vitamin C dosage found in the juice.

Superfood #12: Turkey Breast

Stick to the skinless breast and you have a winner of a meal. It’s one of the best low-fat protein sources you can eat.

Superfood #13: Pumpkin

High in fiber and low in calories, pumpkin has some of the highest levels of carotenoids, which function as antioxidants and help beat the effects of aging. This seasonal favorite is loaded with vitamins C and E, as well as iron, potassium and other minerals.

Superfood #14: Oats

Is connected to a reduced risk for coronary heart disease. Among its other benefits is the ability to help control your blood sugar levels with fiber. Not only is the fiber in oats good for your heart, but it will keep you feeling fuller longer — an easy way to avoid overeating!

Happy, healthy eating!


Eve :-)


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