Lose Fat in 30 Days
1. Set one 30-day goal to kick-start your progress. For example, “I will lose six pounds this month.” One goal, that’s all I want you to focus on.
2. Perform cardiovascular exercise three days per week for 20-30 minutes. Nothing fancy, just something you enjoy or can at least tolerate every other day.
3. Weight train two days per week for 20-25 minutes. This will help stimulate the metabolism, increase strength and make muscles tighter. You can do it the same day as your cardio if you wish.
4. Focus on the type of physical activity that you find enjoyable. Most people stop exercising because they get bored. So decide if your exercise consistency will best happen with the use of video tapes, spinning classes, cardio classes that are instructor-led, dance classes, etc.
5. Get outdoors. Power walk, jog, hike and take advantage of longer days, sunshine and warmer weather. This will alleviate the boredom factor for those who hate to exercise.
This stuff isn’t brain surgery and there’s no magic workout or magic bullet that will improve your fitness level and reduce fat. I’m not suggesting it’s easy, but this is the perfect time to start taking control of your life, your health and your self-esteem.
Eve :-)