Outdor Workouts
13 Best Outdoor Workouts
- *Calories Blasted Per Hour: 544
- Bonus Benefit: The svelte, sexy arms, shoulders, and back muscles of a pro player.
Practice Your Serve Grab a pal for a game of tennis.
- Calories Blasted Per Hour: 544
- Bonus Benefit: Every serve and spike helps tone your arms, abs, legs, and chest.
Spike Your Fat Burn Play beach volleyball with the family.
- Calories Blasted Per Hour: 476
- Bonus Benefit: Talk about a total-body workout! Swimming strengthens your chest, back, arms, abs, legs, and shoulders.
Sneak in Freestyle Fitness Swim laps while the kids splash each other.
- Calories Blasted Per Hour: 476
- Bonus Benefit: Power up each hill to help tighten and tone your legs, hips, and butt.
Pedal off the Pounds Go for a bike ride.
- Calories Blasted Per Hour: 340
- Bonus Benefit: You don't have to be on the winning team to still work your chest, arms, legs, abs, shoulders, and back.
Batter Up! Join the office softball game.
- Calories Blasted Per Hour: 442
- Bonus Benefit: You'll build strong, lovely legs as you soak up nature's beauty.
Hit the Trails Take a hike in the woods.
- Calories Blasted Per Hour: 340
- Bonus Benefit: The resistance of paddling through water helps eliminate arm flab and strengthen your back.
Float Your Boat Paddle off on a canoeing excursion.
- Calories Blasted Per Hour: 306
- Bonus Benefit: With each swing, you work your arms, abs, back, and shoulders.
Get Tee'd Off Play golf (and carry your own clubs!).
- Calories Blasted Per Hour: 306
- Bonus Benefit: All the bending and twisting required to plant and weed works your core from every angle.
Dig In, Get Dirty Finally catch up on your gardening.
- Calories Blasted Per Hour: 272
- Bonus Benefit: Gripping the saddle gives your inner thighs and butt an incredible workout.
Saddle Up! Go horseback riding.
- Calories Blasted Per Hour: 238
- Bonus Benefit: It may not feel like exercise, but walking around the mall or your neighborhood tones your calves and works your glutes. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes!
Window Shop Stroll around town.
- Calories Blasted Per Hour: 204
- Bonus Benefit: Tossing the Frisbee gives chest, arms, shoulders, abs, and legs a great workout.
Become a Disc Diva Throw a Frisbee.
- Calories Blasted Per Hour: 204
- Bonus Benefit: Sailing works your sea legs--and arms, shoulders, and abs.
Bring Out Your Inner Explorer Learn to sail.
Eve :-)