7 Moves That Will Transform Your Glutes

6 Butt Exercises That Work Wonders
“Train heavy, hard, and consistently,” says Paul, who created this targeted mix of lower-body moves to ensure no fiber is left un-firmed. Do the routine twice a week for three weeks, and you’ll start to see definition in your butt, quads, and hamstrings. You’ll also notice a boost in your overall strength and stamina. Buns of steel, indeed.
How it works: Do each move as indicated. Limit rest between exercises to only what's needed. Do 3 total rounds of this routine 2 days a week on non-consecutive days.
Total Time: up to 45 minutes
You will need: Free weights

1. Football Squat 

3. Leg Extension Thrust

4. Low Jump Squat

5. Side Lunge Swing

6. Reverse Lunge High Knee

7. Sumo Deadlift Squat

Stay Strong!
Eve :-)


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